1. Application of primer.
VENETO CLASSICO can be applied on to smooth solid and clean mineral surfaces (mortars, renders, concrete, gypsum boards etc.). Prior to application of VENETO CLASSICO surface has to be coated by KVARC primer.

2. Application of 1st and 2nd coats.
First (1 or 2) coats have to be applied by INOX trowel. Avoid formation of excessively rough patterns. Drying time of each coat – 3 hours. Intercoat interval is 6 hours – minimum (at 20ºC).

3. Application of final coat.
Final coat has to be applied on to small area (0,5-1,0 m²) by short multidirectional creative pressing movements holding trowel at acute angle to surface. To obtain more variegated pattern it is also possible to use special polishing triangle spatula with rounded corners in criss-cross manner. It is advisable to provide complete coverage of surface by very thin layer of stucco. Right away while material is still wet polishing procedure has to be commenced.

4. Polishing.
Polishing procedure has to be accomplished while final coat is still wet. Trowel has to be kept at acute angle to the surface. Pressing force should increase after each stroke. As a result of repeating multidirectional “pressing movements” gloss level is gradually increasing after each stroke.

5. Application and polishing of VENETO CERA wax.
Finishing wax VENETO CERA has to be evenly distributed all over the surface by multidirectional movements of INOX trowel. Trowel has to be kept at acute angle to surface. After wax is dried surface has to be polished by soft cloth or woollen glove by circular movements.
6. The surface is done.
Please bear in mind that primary role of stucco (even despite it protected by wax) is not protective but only decorative. Therefore high mechanical or washing loads on to decorated surface are to be avoided. Cleaning and dedusting of the surface has to be done using dry or just lightly moisturised soft cleaning cloth.